One of the great joys in life for parents is introducing their little ones to the water. Of course, introducing a baby to the water can be more complicated than it seems. We’ve talked about swimming lessons and public pools before, but today, let’s discuss how to choose proper bathing suits for babies.
First Things First: Keep That Water Clean
Unfortunately, little ones often have a tough time controlling their bodily functions. That’s where
swim diapers come in. This handy type of diaper is specially designed for young swimmers. As long as these diapers are regularly changed, they will help to keep the pool water clean and clear for other swimmers. As people are currently on rather high alert for germs and contamination, this is a necessary feature. In fact, the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) even recommends that all public swimming locations require swim diapers to be worn by any child that isn’t potty trained.
Swim diapers may not be able to prevent the accident, but they can help to stop the accident from affecting others. Before even thinking about bathing suits for babies, make sure you have a steady supply of swim diapers.
Tips for Picking Out Bathing Suits for Babies
Now that everyone is all diapered up, let’s move on to the main focus of this blog post. When picking a bathing suit for babies, it helps to know what you are looking for before you go shopping. When we say “babies,” we mean children between the ages of zero to three months. Yes, believe it or not, it’s quite possible for such young ones to enjoy the wonders of swimming. In fact, there is even
specialized training that is dedicated to helping our littlest ones become acclimated to the water. Below, we’ll share some special characteristics and options to focus on when it comes to bathing suits for babies.
Protection and Warmth
Above all, the skin of a baby is much more sensitive than an adult’s. Keeping this in mind, the swimsuit should be able to keep the child warm and protected. Chemicals may be necessary to clean a pool, but they can be particularly harsh on little ones. Too much chlorine or bromine can irritate the skin of a baby.
Additionally, the cold temperatures of the water can quickly overwhelm them. Remember, a baby’s temperature is ever-so-slightly different from the rest of ours. It is much easier for them to become too cold or hot.
For this reason, you’ll want a bathing suit that can shield your baby from the elements as much as possible. Besides bathing suits for babies, parents and guardians need to think ahead. Don’t allow the child to stay in the water too long. Ten to fifteen minutes should be more than enough for these very small bundles of joy.
Safest Bets: One Piece Suits and Wetsuits
When it comes to choosing proper bathing suits for babies, there are two main options. First, don’t rely on cute bikini briefs. No matter how funny or cute the photo opportunities may be, it’s not worth the risk. Coverage and protection are the top priority when it comes to keeping babies safe from harm in the water and sun.
Instead, try a baby wetsuit. These wetsuits look similar to one you’d see on an adult. They’re usually made with neoprene material, which helps to keep the little one warm in the water. Often, they include an integrated swim diaper. Obviously, this can be very useful. It’s also a time saver!
The next big option is a thermal one-piece. This piece of swimwear offers maximum protection for babies. With a focus on warmth, the baby one-piece is often lined with fleece and can cover the arms and legs of the little swimmer-to-be. This protects not only from the cold, but prevents the pool chemicals from directly hitting the baby’s skin.
Swimming Safety Above All
These are some of the best options to look for when picking bathing suits for babies. Our kiddos have special needs, so they need special attention. If you’re taking your baby in the water, remember that babies love to splash, but they also need constant
active supervision. After all, drowning is one of the most common causes of death for children under four years of age. Parents and guardians must take special effort to keep their little ones safe from harm.