How to Stay Safe at the Beach?

The weather is finally warming up, and that means it’s almost time to hit the waves. With that said, do you know how to stay safe at the beach? Don’t be shy – many avid swimmers are a bit unsure of some of the basics when it comes to water safety. In today’s post, we’ll explore some general ways to stay safe at the beach.
How to Stay Safe at the Beach?
Recognizing That Open Water Is Different From the Pool
Beyond bringing an umbrella for shade, being by the open water can be quite different from the pool. Powerful waves, stinging jellyfish and sharp rocks on the ocean floor can be treacherous. Children often do not recognize this until it is too late. For this reason, parents should step in to educate their kids. It’s important to set some ground rules to encourage safety at the beach. Every family can develop their own rules, but in general, everyone should stick together near the water. Active supervision saves lives, but it cannot help when little ones run out of sight. Here are some other safety solutions that guarantee a fun day in the sand and sun.Lifeguards Save Lives
The number one rule for staying safe at the beach is to only swim in lifeguard-protected waters. A trained lifeguard will be able to keep a close eye on all swimmers. In the event that a problem arises, he or she will quickly spring into action. Above all, everyone should closely follow any and all instructions issued by trained lifeguards. Additionally, every member of your group should pay close attention to any posted safety warnings. These signs can tip off beachgoers to potentially important swimming hazards, including weather precautions and tide conditions.Never Swim Alone – Bring a Buddy!
It’s easy to be lulled into a false sense of security by the presence of a crowd. A packed beach can seem awfully safe… but those sunbathers won’t be able to help if you’re dragged under the waves by a strong rip current. What if you’re trapped in the water when a stomach cramp strikes? A buddy can call for help, or attempt to rescue a struggling swimmer. The buddy system is especially important for helping children to stay safe at the beach. After all, drowning is a leading cause of accidental deaths for children under 12. A buddy is a critical layer of extra protection for little ones. After all, having two people actively keeping an eye on one another is better than anyone going solo!Outsmarting Rip Currents
A critical element of staying safe at the beach is understanding and respecting the water. For example, rip tides can be deadly to the unprepared beachgoer. These sudden choppy waves can quickly drag swimmers out to sea. Luckily, this tragic result is often avoidable. In the event that you find yourself caught in a current, here’s what to do:- Keep calm. You’ll get through this. Panicking will only make the situation worse.
- Don’t swim against the rip current.
- Instead, try to gradually swim in a direction that is parallel to the shore. As the waves push you, you should eventually be able to break free.