Is there CPR for Pets?

We’ve talked quite a bit about CPR on this blog in the past. Becoming CPR certified is an amazingly helpful tool that can save the life of a person in drowning danger. But what about our furry friends? Is there CPR for pets? You had better believe it.
CPR for Pets: Caring for Cats and Dogs
Some people might not believe it, but cardiopulmonary resuscitation, or CPR as it is more commonly called, isn’t just for people. In fact, CPR for pets is a massive field. Anyone who loves their cat or dog should consider learning a bit more about this lifesaving tool. That said, just like human CPR, there is critical training that is required before it should be attempted on your pets. Incorrectly performing CPR for pets can potentially lead to further injuries and complications, or even death. Proper training and certification from somewhere like the American Red Cross will provide the skills and information necessary for you to know before attempting CPR for pets. As with their other courses, certification for this type of CPR needs to be kept up to date. When it comes to safety techniques and best practices, medical professionals and experts are always learning more. It pays to keep your knowledge as current as possible.Doctor Knows Best
Now, CPR for pets should only be performed when absolutely necessary. It can be tempting to jump in to help, but if it is possible, try to get the victim to a medical professional as quickly as possible instead. A veterinarian will always have the best advice when it comes to animal care. That said, sometimes there simply isn’t time to waste. Immediate action must be taken.Steps for CPR for Cats and Dogs
CPR is normally used when your dog or cat is not breathing or if you cannot hear the dog or cat’s heartbeat. Besides falling into a pool, this can also happen due to choking or an illness. As stated above, CPR for pets should not be attempted unless you are properly trained. Keeping that in mind, here are some basic steps to the process:CPR for Smaller Pets
- The first step is to stay calm. Panicking can always lead to more danger.
- Lay the struggling pet on her side, on a flat surface.
- Place one hand on either side of the chest over the animal’s heart.
- Next, begin to compress the animal’s chest. The timing for this should be rhythmical: one-up, one down.
- The compression rate to aim for is roughly 100-120 compressions per minute.
- Now, when it comes to providing air through respiration, close the pet’s muzzle or mouth with your hands.
- Next, breathe into the pet’s nose twice, after every 30 compressions.