Jet Ski Safety

Jet Ski Safety
Whether you’re near the pool, lake or ocean, water safety should never be ignored. Drowning is always a risk, no matter the activity. For instance, jet skis can be a blast. With that said, jet ski safety is seriously important.

Preparation and Jet Ski Safety

For the most part, riding a jet ski is often considered harmless fun. While on vacation, even untrained riders can often rent these vehicles. However, like any type of boating activity, these leisurely rides can quickly turn dangerous. Each year, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention lists a surprising number of deaths and injuries sustained on recreational water crafts.

Before heading out, be sure to take lessons or a safety course. Above all, understanding how to behave on the watercraft is a key to jet ski safety. A bit of preparation can go a long way.

Start with a Life Jacket

A life jacket should always be worn when on a boat. It is even more crucial to jet ski safety, since this watercraft is going to be intentionally bouncing and hitting choppy water. It is quite easy to fall overboard. No matter what, be sure to use a U.S. Coast Guard certified floatation device. As we’ve written about in the past, these life jackets offer the best protection against drowning danger.

Stay Alert and Away From Others

Next, it is important to pay special attention to your surroundings. While riding a jet ski, it can be quite easy to lose focus. Speeding, spinning and jumping can easily make a person lose track of where they are riding. Be absolutely sure to stay in the designated area. Veering too far out can place you near delicate coral reefs. It can even leave you stranded.

Additionally, do not ride too closely to other jet skiers or boats. A collision can easily be fatal. Besides that, don’t jump the waves or attempt to splash other riders. Jet ski safety requires close attention. Distraction can quickly become a serious hazard.

Slow Down

Typically, there will not be a speed limit when you are on a jet ski. That said, there is no reason to only ride at maximum throttle. This is a sure-fire way to end up in an accident. Even experienced riders can get into trouble when they refuse to slow down a bit.

When in doubt, take it slower. You can still have lots of fun, but breaks and lower speeds will allow a rider to take careful stock of the surrounding area. Speeding irresponsibly can lead to tragedy.

Avoid Alcohol

As we mentioned earlier, a lot of inexperienced riders love to try jet skis while on vacation. A relaxing beach trip is always fun, but these sometimes include heavy drinking or partying. Alcohol and the open water never mix, but it can get even more dangerous when vehicles are involved. Having a few drinks and hopping on a jet ski is basically like drinking and swimming combined with drunk driving. That is a recipe for disaster. Sober driving is a key to jet ski safety.