Swimming and Chlorine Allergies

When it comes to the perfect pool experience, who doesn’t like sparkling crystal clear water? To accomplish this, a variety of chemicals are required. One of the most popular is chlorine, but is it the best choice? Today, let’s explore swimming and chlorine allergies.
The Uses of Chlorine
Chlorine is one of the most common pool chemicals for a reason. It is quite versatile and helps to eliminate a large amount of gunk in the water. Achieving well-maintained, clear water is always the goal of any pool or Jacuzzi owner. That said, this can be trickier than expected. Chemicals like chlorine can help to balance the pH levels and alkalinity of the water. In a nutshell, chlorine helps water stay crystal clear by preventing buildup of slime, algae and other potential hazards. This chemical kills bacteria and germs, and controls any organic debris that can get into the water, such as sweat or body oils. For proper protection, most pools usually aim for about four ppm of chlorine. This can be easily measured with pool water test strips. Typically, these strips evaluate chlorine, pH and acidity levels in your pool water.Swimming and Chlorine Allergies
As useful as it sounds, chlorine is not the right solution for every pool. For example, swimming and chlorine allergies do not mix. A surprising number of people have negative reactions to this chemical. It is not often discussed, but it should be a major topic of conversation for any pool owner. Here are some of the symptoms of chlorine allergies, according to the American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology:- Skin redness, tenderness, inflammation, and/or itchiness at the site of contact
- Skin lesions or rash
- Scales or crust on the skin
- Coughing, especially at night, with exercise or when laughing
- Trouble breathing
- A tight feeling in the chest
- Wheezing a squeaky or whistling sound
- Runny nose
- Itching
- Sneezing
- Stuffy nose due to blockage or congestion