DIY a Perfect Labor Day Pool Party

Labor Day is upon us! That means it’s time for pool parties and some fun in the sun. Summer may be coming to an end, but that doesn’t mean have to stop celebrating.
First things first, let’s address the hidden danger of pool parties. A lot of folks don’t want to think about it, but the water can be a treacherous place. That’s true even if you’ve taken efforts to install a Do It Yourself pool safety fence. The fact is, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that 10 people die each day from unintentional drowning. For kids between the ages of zero and four, drowning is the leading cause of death. To make matters worse, two-thirds of drownings occur at planned activities like pool parties.
Pool parties may be a great way for kids to cool off and have fun, but care must be taken to prevent drowning. Therefore, pool parties should be planned thoroughly to ensure that safety is the top priority. For Pool Fence DIY’s Labor Day-themed guide, we’re going to explore how to throw a safe and relaxing pool party!
Lay Down the Law
Before anyone dips a toe into the water, you should establish some pool rules. It is imperative for everyone to understand that if they do not follow the rules, they will not be allowed back in the pool. This may seem harsh, but it is a powerful step toward a safer, happier pool party for everyone. Here are some rules we recommend starting with:- No running.
- No splashing (children can choke when water is splashed in their face).
- Use the bathroom, not the pool.
- No rough play.
- Stay away from the pool drain.
- No diving or jumping into the pool.
- No dunking.
Active Supervision
Active supervision is paramount. By this, we mean that by making sure that there is always someone assigned to keep an eye on kids in the pool, you minimize the risk of a tragedy. At Pool Fence DIY, we recommend designating a number of parents or caregivers as the “lifeguards” of the party.Active Supervision means:
- Not getting easily distracted. That means no phone, magazine reading or side conversations. It especially means no alcoholic drinks.
- Having easy access to the pool. You should be nearby the pool and ready to assist at any point. In fact, if the swimmers are young children, the supervisor should physically be in the pool and within arm’s reach of all children. This is recommended for children aged zero through five.
- Being a strong swimmer. Even better, Active Supervisors should be trained in CPR. This way they can take whatever action is needed in the case of an emergency.
- Enforcing the pool rules. These rules should be established and agreed upon beforehand. You can start with the examples above. Expectations for pool rules, and active supervisor duties, should be reviewed by everyone prior to anyone entering the pool.